Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Proposed Changes to Agriculture Worker Protection Standard (WPS)

Last month, EPA released a Press Release with Proposed Changes to the Agriculture Worker Protection Standard. Some of the proposed changes include: stricter pesticide safety training requirements, mandatory posting of No Entry Signs, Minimum Age requirement, No Entry Buffer Areas, and PPE requirements to name a few. You can read the press release below and comment on the docket by using the hyperlink.  

EPA Proposes New Safety Measures to Protect Farm Workers from Pesticide Exposure

WASHINGTON —Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced proposed revisions to the Worker Protection Standard in order to protect the nation’s two million farm workers and their families from pesticide exposure.

“Today marks an important milestone for the farm workers who plant, tend, and harvest the food that we put on our tables each day,” said Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator. “EPA’s revised Worker Protection Standard will afford farm workers similar health protections to those already enjoyed by workers in other jobs. Protecting our nation’s farm workers from pesticide exposure is at the core of EPA’s work to ensure environmental justice.”

EPA is proposing significant improvements to worker training regarding the safe usage of pesticides, including how to prevent and effectively treat pesticide exposure. Increased training and signage will inform farm workers about the protections they are afforded under the law and will help them protect themselves and their families from pesticide exposure.

Workers and others near treated fields will now be protected from pesticide overspray and fumes. In addition, EPA has proposed that children under 16 be legally barred from handling all pesticides, with an exemption for family farms. These revisions protect workers while ensuring agricultural productivity and preserving the traditions of family farms.

This proposal represents more than a decade of extensive stakeholder input by federal and state partners and from across the agricultural community including farm workers, farmers, and industry on the current EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Pesticides first established in 1992.

For more information on the EPA’s Proposed Worker Protection Standard:   http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/safety/workers/proposed/index.html


Monday, March 10, 2014

Certified Pile Burner Course Scheduled for July!

The UF-IFAS Extension multi-county commercial horticulture extension program of Sumter & Pasco counties will be hosting a Certified Pile Burner Course on Wednesday July 2, 2014 from 8:30am to 5pm at the West Central FL Ag Center in Bushnell, FL. This program is designed for landowners who frequently burn piles. There are benefits to being a certified pile burner. You can burn piles longer and get priority authorization to burn piles. 

More information about this program that is offered through the Florida Forest Service at http://sumter.ifas.ufl.edu/Commercial-Horticulture/documents/SumterCountyPileBurnerUpdated.pdf.

The cost of this program is $50 which covers the cost of the study materials and lunch. Space is limited so RSVP today at https://certifiedpileburnerjuly2.eventbrite.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Got Cover Crops? Your input is needed!

Farmers, your input on cover crops is requested by USDA/SARE and the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC). They want to help you improve your success with cover crops and soil management by clarifying program priorities, etc. based on your confidential responses.
To access the survey and for more details at 

Monday, March 3, 2014

March Coastal Springs FNGLA Chapter Meeting

The next Coastal Springs FNGLA Chapter meeting will be at C & C Peat in Okahumpka, FL on March 18, 2014 from 5:00-9:00pm. Brooke Moffis of Lake County Extension will be presenting on Beneficial Insects and Scouting. The cost of attendance is $15 to defray the cost of dinner. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP with C & C Peat at 1-800-330-4866