Friday, February 28, 2014

Free Webinar Series from American Society of Agronomy

Image from http:\\, Summer Cover Crops for potato production

Cover Crops are a HOT topic right now in agriculture. Check out this FREE webinar series from the American Society of Agronomy on Cover Crops that starts on March 6th. Typically the webinars from ASA cost $40/person. Find out more about this program at

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Need CEUs? Worker Protection Standards Train-the-Trainer Program

As part of the South Central Extension District programming schedule for Florida pesticide education and training, Manatee County Extension Office will be hosting a WPS T-T-T on March 18, 2014 from 10am to 12pm. Please see the announcement below for more information on this opportunity to gain CEUs and be in compliance with WPS. 

March 18: WPS Train-The-Trainer: Manatee County Extension Service, 10am-12pm
Need CEUs?
The WPS TTT workshop provides CEUs in several categories. Even if you don’t need to be WPS certified, don’t miss this opportunity for CEUs. CEUs available: 2 in the following categories: Aerial, Ag. Row, Ag. Tree, O&T, Private, Forest Pest Control, and Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation.
Need to become a WPS certified Trainer?
The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is a federal program designed to protect agricultural farm workers in the production of agricultural plants. A person is qualified to teach WPS to farm workers if he/she holds a restricted use pesticide license or if he/she has completed the WPS Train the trainer course. Once a person has completed the course he/she is certified for life. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cost Shares, Grants & Services - February FNGLA Meeting

The next Coastal Springs FNGLA meeting has been scheduled for Feburary 18, 2014 at Aventura Nursery in Spring Hill, FL. You can register to attend this program at The cost is $10 to attend any of the Coastal Springs FNGLA chapter meetings.

The flyer for this program is below.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ornamental & Turfgrass Exam Review Scheduled

An Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Management Exam Review has been scheduled for Tuesday February 25, 2014 at the Hernando County Extension Office in Brooksville, FL. The class is schedule from 8:30 am to 11:00pm with exam time from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. CEUs have been submitted and currently waiting approval. The cost of the exam review is $15/attendee. Please RSVP through the following link
A detailed outline can be found at .

CEUs have been approved for 2 in Ornamental and Turf - 2/5/14